Monday, December 6, 2010

C4T Summary Post

The teacher that I was assigned to comment on was Andris Grover. He was very inspiring with his words and he spoke a lot about education and technology and how it seems to change more often than we think.  The posts that I commented on were 21 apples and Modern Technology.  First I want to say that he came up with the name 21 apples because of course we are living in the 21th century and well when most people think of apples they think of teachers.   Well with that being said, he felt as though the modern educators should be both willing to learn just as much as they are willing to teach.  With technology changing so much it would be so easy for something new to kick in to action and we could miss it with just a blink of an eye.   Also the other post about modern education was similar to 21 apples, except for it was also stating how we should try to keep an open mind with students and not try to teach them 'by the book'.  To me that states that well it is true that we should try to stay on track and organized as much as possible as educators.  But with kids their minds become so lost and bored at times to where it is our position to get them back on track, and with technology, performing hands on, and visual activities it gives that extra excitement. 

C4K Summary Post 8-11~

poster that reads Just for kids

#8~ I was assigned to comment on Naomig's blog he is a student in Mr. Chamberlin's 8th Grade class.  He was talking about a project that he had been working on.

 #9~ The other student I commented on was Madz who is in Miss Thompson's class.  She was writing about a movie they were looking at in class called Inanimate Alice it seemed very interesting.  I have never seen or even heard of the movie but I am considering finding more about it because it may be something I enjoy.

#10~ I was also assigned to comment on Trace's blog who is in Mrs. Huebner's class.  I can tell by his posts that he is a big sport fan, especially when it comes down to basketball.  I commented on his post where he talked about the New Season, which meant basketball season.  He said that he feels that he and his team will have a good year and that he is very excited about it.

#11~ Last but not certainly not least, the last student's blog I commented on was Yasmine, who is a student in Mr. St Pierre's class.  I had commented on several of her posts and they wre great.  She is a great writer with great potential, and like I mentioned in one of her posts, if she continues the good work she would have no problems once she gets in college.