Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Post #5

 book on podcasting for dummies

Well first I would like to say that I haven't ever done a podcast so I thought that I should actually read and listened to all of the different preparations assigned, and the three that I found most interesting were the Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog, Langwitches, and The Benefits of Podcasting in a Classroom.  Podcasting to me is a tool that seems to be very helpful to students of all ages, but especially to elementary kids.  I say this because when you are that age looking at things on television and/or a computer screen actually gets you to be more involved and seems to grasp their attention more than just sitting in a class with no type of interaction at all.  Also with the little ones, they are always willing to do something and getting them to become active is what they love to do.  Now as for the older students, podcasting may seem like just another form of work, unless the teacher understands and has the capability to help them to explore the concept of it more and show them how it can be used in many ways.  I really think that every student should be requested to do a podcast at least one time throughout grade school, because unlike power point, you are actually able to act out different topics and your thoughts of them.

I not only learned what a podcast is and how to use it, I also learned the different approaches to use when getting ready to began one.  Even though I have never used a podcast before, I know that the one I have been assigned to do in Mr. Strange's EDM310 Class will be interesting.  I see that I can different things such as voices and pictures all while educating and informing others, which I know is always a good task!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Post #4

little girl texting

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please!

When I began reading this post I started thinking, what in the world is Dr. McLeod talking about.  But of course once I continued reading I started to see things the same way he was.  I feel that when he states not to teach your kids this stuff, he doesn't really mean it literally, but then he does.  I know that may sound strange, but today you only have to teach a kid so much with computers & technology and well from then they figure it all out.  I feel as that if you are going to teach your student or child something about computers, you should teach them ALL there is to know, the good, the bad, & the ugly.  Some may not agree with me but for instance if a child is searching the web for something and mistype a word you never know what may pop-up so just in case they may see something inappropriate at least they will have the knowledge to know to exit away and/or get a parent.

Another point that I want to touch on that Dr. McLeod spoke about was the sex-ting.  To me,  this is not as simple of a situation as it may seem; I have seen kids as young as twelve become bullied, depressed, even commit suicide because of it.  With cell phones I agree that kids should have them for security reasons such as after school activities, out with friends, or other functions away from home; but i also say that their use of them should be monitored fairly closely by the parents, such as who they are talking to and texting and even when.  A lot of social problems like this can be avoided in my opinion if we had more parents to become more involved and attentive to their children, their peers and their surroundings.

To conclude, I would like to thank Dr. McLeod, who is a highly educated professor in Pennsylvania with many different interests, for his thoughts and I would also like to say that there are so many ways that technology has been made negative, so do the right things by teaching your child the positive ways, even though you can't hold their hand every step of the way; I guarantee that most of the lessons taught to them will last throughout their lives!

The iSchool Initiative

I listened to this video, and well I this student is trying to prove two different points: the first is that using the iSchool is suppose to cut down the cost of things and guarantee more teaching jobs and the other is that it would be easier on the environment and more convenient for teachers, students, and parents. First he starts of by saying that if they were to completely rid of writing utensils, books, and calculators for the students, and globes, blackboards, and computers for teachers, that it would be a great way to start cutting spending costs not only for schools but parents also.

Another argument that he made was that life for everyone would be easier.  He feels that being able to email assignments, review agendas, and even access the lunch menu would be a lot better for everyone.  He also states that their would be less air pollution and we would save more trees.

Well, my thoughts on this video are simple, the world would become more isolated than what it is today!  First, I want to say that it may be convenient to email a teacher and/or a student to easier contact them, but assignments, agendas, and lunch menu, are you serious!  If they are going to do all of that then they may as well stop building schools and just home-school every one.  With everything being right in your hand there would be no need for face to face communication, and well with a person like me, that would not work!  I don't mind communicating through technology that's not a problem with me, the problem is that I am a hands on learner who needs clear direction the first time from a person and not some computerized voice.   I would also like to say that yea it may cut costs and save the environment, I don't disagree with that, but with the money that's not being spent on that, you can guarantee that it is going to be used other places, and not going in your pocket.  Lastly I would like to add that the U.S are complaining about children being obese and all, I feel that this would be more of a contributor to that with students having everything, I mean everything right there in the palm of their hands!


The Lost Generation

This video once you see the first half is a message that seems to be sent out to many students around the world.  They feel that what ever they are told by someone that's older or in a higher position is correct and no other way is the right way.  But once this video is retold I see that there are still students out there that believe in themselves and believe that they can make a change in the world.  It only takes one person to have faith and once there is one other follower, the rest speaks for itself.

I have never seen a video created like this, and even though I'm sure it took time, thought, and patience it was amazing and this is something I would love to learn how to create.

Virtual Choir

This was great, you would never think that someone would actually be able to get people from all around the world to follow one person and actually be in tone enough to sound this great.  I'm sure that they were done at different times but the composer of this was Magnificent....Good job Eric!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

A. The educational implications of Google Squared seems to be more in depth with the information it provides. Like for example when I searched for the United States it provided me with the states motto and special descriptions as to where a particular state was located and what the lands were like once you get there.

B. But the educational implications that I received with Wolfram Alpha is that it provided me with more resourceful like the economic properties and the types of currency that's used in each area, more so for people who travel the world more often than others. I also noticed that what ever topic that you research it will provide you a summary of that topic and then go on to describing the smaller subjects within it.

C. No, I have never heard of Google Squared but with me studying to become an elementary teacher I really feel as if would be a great source to help my students familiarize themselves more with where they are.

D. No, this was also my first time using Wolfram Alpha and I'm happy that you showed me because I'm more than positive that this will help me from now own, oppose to me looking through encyclopedias and things of that sort.

E. Yes, it does change the way I think in a way. The statistics that they through at us as far as where that U.S. stands at an educational level is expected to be low compared to larger countries such as China. Also with the U.S being as small as it is in population, I feel as it is expected that things would happen around the clock with the way the world is changing.

F. The lesson that I learned from this video is that just because someone says it or it's in a book doesn't mean that it is a fact; Research the information yourself there is so much that you will find if you just reread and think!

Monday, September 13, 2010

C4T Assignment#1 (Summary)

Comment #1-Joe Dale

I watched the video on interviewing tips and great recording and Mr. Dale gave some pretty good advice. I have used computer technology for numerous of things, but it never hurts to learn new things to enhance your productivity whether you are at home or in the classroom.

Comment #2

I also read and watched the post on podcasting in the classrooms, and well it was sort of confusing but once I reread it and clicked on the different links then it presented me with a totally different out look on podcasting, especially in the class. Using technology and intergrating it in the classrooms really allow the younger kids to become more prepared in the future and not only that but it also helps the older kids better present themselves when needed.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Post #3

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

I can't say anything else about this video besides that it is so true. We as college students become distracted when we are surrounded by many students in one class and a professor that does nothing but lecture the whole time, without any input from the students. With us having access to all these different types of devices right there at our desk we turn to them to keep up awake. Whether it's texting, facebook, twitter, videos, etc. anything and everything but what the teacher is saying in front of us. I understand that we are not in grade school anymore and that things for us are suppose to be 'Hard' but me personally still believe that things can still be challenging with hands-on assignments in college, most students learn better that way. Also a student on the video held a sign on the video stating that we are not the cause of the economy falling, but it is a part of our problem; all you hear in the world today is how the education system is falling and how the teachers aren't getting paid enough. We may can't change things in one day but us as future educators can become more organized and determined to the point where it wouldn't be so easy to just make lay-offs and salary cuts. Something that has always bothered me is that if EDUCATION is the key to SUCCESS why is the educational system number one on the list when it comes to budget cuts?

This video has many different points, and if I had anything to do with the producing of it I would probably add another student holding a sign stating "I have a child, so where does he/she fit in with those 26.5 hours a day" I say this because at least half of college students not only have to juggle classes and jobs, but being a parent is another role that we can't fall short on.

young child learning from a computer

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines

This post says a lot! Ms. Hines says that you must be a good learner in order to be a good teacher, and that's so true, and with that being said a computer to me is not something that can TEACH you how to do that. Being a good teacher means interacting with your kids and understanding their thoughts so that you are able to help them with their problem oppose to just telling them how to solve it. Now don't get me wrong because I do think that knowing how technology works does make a difference in a classroom, but I just feel that doing things manually will provide you kids with a better understanding of what is being done.

When it comes to be an understanding, well organized, & open-minded educator, it should be to where the ones that have been teaching for about ten years find a way to come together with the not yet tenured teachers and exchange thoughts and ideas. I say this with idea that the newer teachers are fresh with the technology and the older teachers are skilled with the manual work and with them both being great learners it will allow them both to learn new things!

Karl Fisch: Is it Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

To start off I would like to answer this question by saying no, it's not okay to be technologically illiterate. I am commenting on this post with a full understanding that everyone is not going to be able to keep up with every single change in the world of technology, but I do say that everyone should be skilled with the basics. What I mean by this is like Mr. Karl stated in his passage, a person should not be proud to say that they can't read just as a person who doesn't know how to log onto the web be proud of that. Also I would like to add that with almost any professional career people are using some sort of technology everyday, so how is it possible to stand your position if you don't know what going on.

Lastly, I would like to say that his comment about the teachers that are technologically illiterate are that are not even willing to learn how to be, those are the ones that should have their jobs replaced, and that's for the student's sake! I would also like to thank you Mr. Karl for the little eye-opener!

Gary Hayes Social Media Count

These changes for my professional career as a teacher mean one only two words to me, Stay Focused!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blog Post #2

Did You Know

This video is something that really makes you think about the things you do in everyday life.  I mean some things you know like for instance that there is a baby born almost every second of the day, but other things make you think such as how technology will eventually over power the human brain within the next 20 years or so.  Therefore I would suggest for all of us college students to become more focused because the world is changing at the blink of an eye.

Mr.Winkle Wakes

This video is so true for most of the older generation, but it's even more sad because some of the young people now days still haven't familiarized themselves with the way technology works today. Poor Mr. Winkle had no clue what was going anywhere the hospitals, the schools, or even at businesses, it was like he was in a totally different world.  But he was sleep for 100 hundreds, so with the way technology is changing it may only be a month, week, or even a day before we wake up and not recognize the things going on around us.

I would also like to add that this clip also makes a point that by showing us that we should start teaching our kids at a younger age the way things are in life. So that once they do start grade school though they will still will have a lot to learn, they'll have at least some knowledge of what they will be learning and how to get what they need to become successful.

Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

With this video I don't know where to start since I agree almost everything that was stated within it.  I want to start off by saying that I agree that we should include some time of physical activity that kids would enjoy during school just as they do Mathemematics, Social Science, Language Arts, etc; maybe not everyday but there should be something worked out for at least once a week.  In my opinion, I think that obesity is happening because with kids not engaging in much physical activity at school and go home to play video games and look at television it's not helping them out at all.  Also with the scenerio that he gave us about the little kid who was said to having a learning disablility, I think that  was  ludacris because if the parents had been more attentive to the child they would have realized their child had a special talent and not in need  of  special attention!

Another point that I wanted to touch on was when he pointed out that years ago people with a degree were unemployed by choice, and well today people with degrees have to sometimes wait years to find a decent job that involves their speciality.  I have heard so many different things as to why people with a higher education can't get a job, but the most shocking one to me is, "Sorry but you are over-qualilfied", that to me is absurd.  I understand that some employers may not want to give the person what they are asking for, but some people are simply looking for employment.

Vicki Davis: Digital Smarts

This class reminds me a lot of EDM310, it deals with plenty of technology with many different people from all around the world.   Well me personally I have never had to be glued to the computer as much as I am with this class.  I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, becuase it isn't it teaches me things that I never knew that could be done and it's allows me to get things done in a much quicker and easier form.  Being digitally smart makes things possible that you probably never thought could happen with things such as web cam, undated cell phones and other high tech devices that are being created as we speak.

Just as those students were learning how to do numerous of things with their equipment I know that we are going to be exposed to those types of things and more.  I really enjoy doing new things especially when I have a clue what I am doing; so with this new technology changing everyday I know that in this class we are going to be taught the best way to keep up and move forward!