Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog Post #6

The Networked Student

Though this video wasn't very long it contained a lot of not only important, but also knowledgeable information.  Most people don't expect students to do so much networking to accomplish a certain goal, but for the one's that are determined to go that extra mile, we as educators should be prepared. A student that is highly networked may seem like a challenge to some teachers but to me I feel as if it would another source for teachers to learn and become more aware of different sources that students have available. I'm not saying that the student should be teaching the teacher, but as I stated in one of my earlier posts, a teacher should be just as willing to learn new things as they are to teach new things.

Another point I would like to comment on is the question of "Why does the Networked Student Even Need a Teacher?", well my answer is simply, a role model. Even though a student my know everything there is to know about a certain subject and or an assignment, I feel as though they still need that modeled educator to assist them when they become confused, encourage them to keep up the good work, and even help out with networking, as stated in the video. In my personal experience, even when it may seem like I know exactly what I'm doing when giving instruction, it's sometimes become challenging when I'm left alone with no one to help me get started.

In conclusion, I really feel that even though I can still become a little better prepared to teach a networked student, that by the time I graduate I will have majority of the skills needed and even then I still would have an open mind and have that willingness to learn from my students!

student showing teacher work

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment

This student is very self constructed when it comes to her school work. She is well prepared when its time for class by knowing exactly what needs to be done and doing it instead of drawing her attention else where and making her schoolwork her last result. This is very impressive for a kid her age, but in my opinion it's not everyday that you have a student of her grade level with her mind set with the knowledge of what to do and just doing it. Honestly, me as a college student it took me some time to mold myself into completing my work in a timely manner opposed to last minute. When I was growing up I always had someone there to remind me of what was important, but once you are in college you are basically set free and left to be responsible on your own. This student is on to a great a start and I hope that she doesn't loose her focus!

The Machine Is Changing Us

This video was very long but the speech was amazing! I really appreciate being assigned things that Mr. Wesch publishes because it seems to always be something with much logical and interesting information. It's so much to say about this video but I really want to point out when he talks about how the media mediates our generations young and old into believing that what ever we see on television or in magazines is the way things should be. I think that though those things may seem relevant and the time, it eventually plays out when another something comes along. Also I want to point out that though the Maury clip was a little amusing it was also ridiculous at the same time, because that shows exactly how kids today act towards their parents, full of disregard, disrespect, and no morals! He says that the machine is 'changing' us, I say that we don't have to allow that if we stand up and have a voice on what's right and not what's popular!

bullentin board-a mind is a terrible thing to waste


  1. Toni,

    Your comment ... I feel as though they still need that modeled educator to assist them when they become confused, encourage them to keep up the good work, and even help out with networking, as stated in the video ... is a very important one. Teachers are more then just educators! Teachers motivate, encourage and lead!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I totally agree with you, “The Network Student” was a very informational video and that teachers must be prepared to teach a network student. I believe our generation of teachers will be prepared to teach a network student because we were and are network students
    I also thought the PLN made by the 7th grader was done exceptionally well! It shows how dedicated she is to learning and educating herself. Well I really enjoyed reading your blog, great post Toni!
